Mentees will experience an organic approach to life skills development through one-on-one faith-based mentoring and authentic community in order to confidently and effectively handle the challenges they encounter in everyday life.

MomsHope provides a one-on-one faith-based mentoring program for single, low income women in order to support their resource development, personal advancement, spiritual growth, and family stability. We do so through leveraging effective resources and quality services.

The developing of these skills goes beyond mere course completion and role play scenarios. Our “learn as you live” process gives our mentees an opportunity to grow in their new skills as they integrate what they are learning into real life experiences.  

Simultaneously, mentees are walking closely with mentors who can support and coach them in real time. With this type of accountability and encouragement, mentees find themselves more willing to step out of their comfort zone and into a space that will prove beneficial to themselves and their families, long term.  

Mentees are challenged to do the hard work it takes to reach their goals. They operate in a safe space where they know that even if they do not always succeed, they have their personal mentor and a team of advocates in their lives who will continue to support and value them. 

The Life Skills our mentees develop include but are not limited to: 

  • Parenting  
  • Goal Setting and Achieving 
  • Self-awareness  
  • Empathy  
  • Critical Thinking  
  • Creative Thinking  
  • Decision Making  
  • Problem Solving  
  • Effective Communication  
  • Interpersonal Relationship  
  • Coping with Stress  
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Social, Personal and Workplace Etiquette   
  • Responsibility   
  • Accountability

Financial Support

With our one-on-one financial coaching and access to grants, single mothers can achieve financial goals they once thought impossible.

Health and Wellness

We encourage moms to invest in self-care and reap the benefits of the relational nutrients found in our MomsHope community.

MomsHope Success Story

While in the MomsHope Mentoring Program, Courthney Calvin paid off $10,000 of debt and earned a Bachelor and Associate degree. 

She became the first MomsHope mentee to become a mentor with the program, and she is currently pursuing the creation of an academic scholarship that will help other single moms earn college degrees.

To stay updated with the latest news from MomsHope.

Our Valued partners

Join us for our annual Drive4Hope Fundraiser

September 12, 2024 6:00 pm