Mentees receive assistance with the difficult task of successfully transitioning from dependence to self-sufficiency. Because of our one-on-one financial coaching and access to grants, single mothers can achieve financial goals they once thought impossible.   

MomsHope provides a one-on-one faith-based mentoring program for single, low income women in order to support their resource development, personal advancement, spiritual growth, and family stability. We do so through leveraging effective resources and quality services.

Mentees benefit from our partnerships with other organizations who can help them with: 

  • Parenting Skills 
  • Car Repairs
  • Adequate Employment 
  • Financial Literacy 
  • Food Assistance (Food Pantries)
  • Clothing Needs and Safe Transportation

Active mentees in the program may receive: 

  • Safe Tires 
  • Gas For Their Cars 
  • Reliable and Safe Transportation 
  • Unexpected Children’s Expenses
  • Unexpected Medical Expenses
  • Parenting Classes
  • Financial Literacy Course

Life Skills

Empowering moms by providing an organic approach to life skills development through one-on-one faith-based mentoring and authentic community.

Health and Wellness

We encourage moms to invest in self-care and reap the benefits of the relational nutrients found in our MomsHope community.

MomsHope Success Story

While in the MomsHope Mentoring Program, Courthney Calvin paid off $10,000 of debt and achieved an associate’s and bachelor’s degrees. 

She became the first MomsHope mentee to become a mentor with the program, and she is currently pursuing the creation of an academic scholarship that will help other single moms earn college degrees.

To stay updated with the latest news from MomsHope.

Our Valued partners

Join us for our annual Drive4Hope Fundraiser

September 12, 2024 6:00 pm