Proverbs 3:1
Do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.
Lord God, I need wisdom to live this life. Stretch my capacity for spiritual understanding, and teach me to position myself to hear from You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Additional Devotions
Reading through the book of Proverbs is like being in a Master Class. Wise words and adages dance across the page, style and wit their guide. Yet, it’s the wisdom that is played out in real life against the backdrop of difficult circumstances that stake the biggest claim.
Recently, I’ve been working through two emotionally and spiritually charged anniversaries. In both situations, tragedy happened in an instant. Each one happened in different seasons of my life and have tested the faith that flows within the deep currents of my soul.
Although I have not forsaken my faith or my God, these sucker punches have caused me to ask some hard questions. Questions that not only demand but expect a wisdom beyond my experience. Because of this, I continue to position myself to receive the instruction I need to walk in wisdom.
There are many men and women of the Bible we could study who sought wisdom for their walk. But today we are landing on Habakkuk, an Old Testament minor prophet who asked some hard questions in his lifetime. In the end, He waited in expectation for wisdom to be his guide.
“I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what he will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this complaint” (Habakkuk 2:1). Habakkuk was desperate for wisdom, and He was willing to position himself to wait and watch for it to come.
Are we willing to wait and watch? To get in position to receive the wisdom needed to endure the hard lines of our life? How about the questions that don’t seem to have answers? Do we posture ourselves in hopeful expectation of receiving wise instruction from the Lord even in the absence of understanding?
You might ask how Solomon, notably one of the wisest men in the Bible, could die a fool. And the answer is found in his own proverb, “Stop listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge” (Proverbs 19:27).
This is a great reminder that there’s no guarantee of retaining wisdom if we become apathetic to its instruction. Our eyes, ears, and heart will stray off the narrow road to follow voices and vices vying for our allegiance. More often than not, it’s a slow fade. One we might not even see until it’s too late.
This happens when we get tired of waiting. When fear takes center stage and bitterness bites at our heels. We give up, give in, and walk away in the wake of disappointment. Our remedy for this kind of apathy is realigning our expectation—“For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding” (Proverbs 2:6).
Wisdom is found in remembering who gives us words of instruction. So let’s determine not to become apathetic to His voice. Or stray from our position to receive knowledge and understanding. Let’s seek Him and be people who watch and wait in expectation of finding the wisdom we need for our walk
Hugs for a great week and remember, you are not alone. Be blessed and be in position. Wisdom awaits.