Luke 5:4-5
When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.
Gracious God, I hear you calling me into the deep waters of relationship with you. Bid me to come until I’m brave enough to obey. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Additional Devotions
There’s a reason we all resonate with the famous saying—A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step—because it is true. First steps are foundational. They are a necessary precursor to progress. And we will never do anything or go anywhere unless we take the critical first step!
Yet beyond the elementary motive of the first step lies the purpose cut deep within the journey to follow.
We see this principle in the Old Testament account of God directing the priests to take a step into the raging waters of the Jordan when everything told them not too. But it wasn’t until they immersed their feet into the river did the water stop flowing allowing the nation of Israel to pass through to the Promised Land, their ultimate destination.
And we see it in our verse this week when Jesus told Simon Peter to take a step of faith and journey into deep waters even though it was counterintuitive to his experience as a fisherman. But it was only when Simon Peter overrode his instinct and answered the call was his purpose as a ‘fisher of men’ revealed as the ultimate purpose of his journey.
Both depict an uncommon ask for an uncommon response. And both were antecedents to a deeper purpose.
The underlying question we must wrestle with: Do I trust Him when I can’t answer the why of the where?
Don’t be mistaken. Faith is not frivolous. We don’t walk blindly into precarious circumstances hoping God will catch us if we fall. No faith is rooted in relationship. The kind of relationship where trust is tempered and faith is forged in the deep waters of intimate connection with our creator.
I believe Jesus was inviting Simon Peter into such a relationship. Just like He is inviting us. Our deepest call is relationship with Him. Period. Enough said. However, we all have certain assignments that carry out His plans and purposes in each generation.
There are three responses—deny, delay, or obey. We can turn our back and avert our eyes in rejection. We can wait for clarity and assurance as we toggle between faith and fear. Or we can lean into relationship and obey the still small voice heard in the deep echo of our soul.
Like the Old Testament priests and Jesus’ Disciples, our journey is a collection of first steps and a reflection of relationship. Why? Because together, these set the course and drive the direction for our ultimate journey in this earthly life.
This weeks’ challenge is to listen for His voice. To take our eyes off the shore where life is predictable, and entertain taking the first step even though it seems uncertain. To do so requires a full commitment. To weigh anchor and push off out of the shallows and into deep waters.
What step do you need to take today to push off into the deep?
Remember, you are not alone. Trust Him as you leave the shallows and head into the deep.
Into The Deep
Monday, May 10, 2019
Verse for the Week: Luke 5:4-5, “When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
There’s a reason we all resonate with the famous saying—A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step—because it is true. First steps are foundational. They are a necessary precursor to progress. And we will never do anything or go anywhere unless we take the critical first step!
Yet beyond the elementary motive of the first step lies the purpose cut deep within the journey to follow.
We see this principle in the Old Testament account of God directing the priests to take a step into the raging waters of the Jordan when everything told them not too. But it wasn’t until they immersed their feet into the river did the water stop flowing allowing the nation of Israel to pass through to the Promised Land, their ultimate destination.
And we see it in our verse this week when Jesus told Simon Peter to take a step of faith and journey into deep waters even though it was counterintuitive to his experience as a fisherman. But it was only when Simon Peter overrode his instinct and answered the call was his purpose as a ‘fisher of men’ revealed as the ultimate purpose of his journey.
Both depict an uncommon ask for an uncommon response. And both were antecedents to a deeper purpose.
The underlying question we must wrestle with: Do I trust Him when I can’t answer the why of the where?
Don’t be mistaken. Faith is not frivolous. We don’t walk blindly into precarious circumstances hoping God will catch us if we fall. No faith is rooted in relationship. The kind of relationship where trust is tempered and faith is forged in the deep waters of intimate connection with our creator.
I believe Jesus was inviting Simon Peter into such a relationship. Just like He is inviting us. Our deepest call is relationship with Him. Period. Enough said. However, we all have certain assignments that carry out His plans and purposes in each generation.
There are three responses—deny, delay, or obey. We can turn our back and avert our eyes in rejection. We can wait for clarity and assurance as we toggle between faith and fear. Or we can lean into relationship and obey the still small voice heard in the deep echo of our soul.
Like the Old Testament priests and Jesus’ Disciples, our journey is a collection of first steps and a reflection of relationship. Why? Because together, these set the course and drive the direction for our ultimate journey in this earthly life.
This weeks’ challenge is to listen for His voice. To take our eyes off the shore where life is predictable, and entertain taking the first step even though it seems uncertain. To do so requires a full commitment. To weigh anchor and push off out of the shallows and into deep waters.
What step do you need to take today to push off into the deep?
Prayer: Gracious God, I hear you calling me into the deep waters of relationship with you. Bid me to come until I’m brave enough to obey. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Remember, you are not alone. Trust Him as you leave the shallows and head into the deep.
Have a blessed week!