Proverbs 2:4-5

If you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.


Lord God, help me to find you in the midst of my emotions. Help me redefine the negative experiences by seeing you and your power to redeem in them.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Additional Devotions

Proverbs is a powerful book. One that can be read over and over because the lessons that lie within are endless. The instruction of Proverbs 2:4-5 tells us that wisdom has great value, and we should forage for it as if it were hidden treasure.

Although a treasure hunt is exciting, it is, however a tremendous amount of work. We must approach the unknown with eyes of faith, and have a heart set on the hope of discovery. Not only that, but we need the courage to persevere in the hunt because wisdom will not be found easily. Nevertheless, it is worth the effort and this week our efforts are focused on a hot topic—emotions.

Emotions are fickle. They are connected to our memories and can vacillate between the promises and disappointments of our circumstances. And if we are not careful, they have the potential to cause great harm when we allow them the freedom to dictate our peace.

In as much as we can, it’s wise to keep our emotions in perspective by defining their function—they are indicators, not dictators. They key is to use them; not be abused by them.

Using emotions for our good is wise, and is achieved through introspection. This practice of authenticity is not for the faint of heart. Knowing ourselves takes time. But going deeper still is understanding ourselves. And that takes more than time; it takes courage.

Why? Because we are a complex and wonderful creation. Since we are formed as a physical being with the wiring of a spiritual being, it’s hard to function in one space without the influence of the other. And because of that, without understanding, we can only be reactionary. Reacting to people who make us crazy, and circumstances that often don’t make sense tend to produce heightened emotions.

Have you ever been emotionally hijacked? An experience where the emotional response to something or someone completely overpowers your rational thoughts? The brain hands the reins of control over to the body as emotion erupts from deep places within.

Even so, we are emotional beings. The Bible portrays many great examples. From Adam and Eve, through the kings and the prophets, to Paul and Peter; even Jesus displayed emotions. You name someone from the Bible, and I assure you their lives toggled between the rise and fall of emotions.

Naturally, we tend to pull in pieces from our past to make sense of the present. Unfortunately, negative narratives tend to leave a deeper imprint on our memory than positive ones. Although it’s important to own the emotion produced by a negative experience, it’s even more important to dig for more.

In our scripture verse for the week, Solomon tells us to dig for wisdom like we are digging for buried treasure. In this instance, when we allow God access to our emotional experiences, He can color them with wisdom by painting the experience with strokes of understanding and discernment. This allows us to stretch beyond our reactions and negative narratives to a deeper place of faith. In doing so, we rewrite the emotional experience.

Take a moment to do some personal excavation. What do your emotions say of you? What is your emotional narrative? Does the presence and power of God color your story? Or does the story your life tells, narrate a negative tone because of toxic emotional baggage?

Ultimately we have a choice; we can look back and be overwhelmed with burden by a negative emotional narrative, or we can look back and see the provision and goodness of God. This is where wisdom intersects our limited reality and creates a new narrative.

Will you yield your response and your emotions to Him? Will you allow the Holy Spirit to heal you by rewriting the stories you tell yourself and others?

It’s time for an emotional reckoning. Start by digging for the hidden treasure that lies deep within your most painful emotional experiences. I guarantee connecting those new dots will tell a new, more meaningful story.

Reflect and Respond:

On a scale of one to ten, how out of control are your emotions? Take some time this week to talk to God about the emotional baggage you are ready to release to Him. This is hard; we tend to hold on to things that have caused us great harm, not because we want to, but because they have a strong grip on us. We nurse them. Justify them. Hold them up to others and say, “See, this is why I am at the way I am.”

It’s time. Time to release the bitterness. The Anger. The judgment. The shame. The unforgiveness. The blame. Release them and allow God to mend your memories and rewrite a redemptive story; one of grace, mercy, and restoration.

Hugs for a great week and remember, you are not alone. Be blessed as you dig for buried treasure and connect some new emotional dots in your story.