Joshua 24:15

…choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…


Lord God, I trust you, and I hear your call of conviction. Help me to choose each and every day to serve you. Give me the courage to draw a line in the sand so I can honor you and stand firm in who you are calling me to be. May these choices bring you glory.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Additional Devotions

Conviction. By definition, biblical conviction is a fixed belief derived from scripture that incites attitudes and actions. In the purest form, convictions are adopted to honor a holy God who created us, redeemed us, and sanctifies us through this process.

Although conviction is a gift from God, it doesn’t always feel like it. The purpose of conviction is often heavy; weighty even, and hoovers like a storm cloud. And because our lives are so fraught with indifference to the hard lines of faith, an indifference deeply rooted in our culture, we face the dilemma of compromise every day.

Compromise often occurs when there’s a battle of conflicting opinions, attitudes, or beliefs that require concessions to co-exist. It is a defining place where our convictions are tested, and the quality of our character confirmed.

On the one hand, the ability to compromise is thought to be a good quality. One that serves us well in a world where so many things exist in gray. After all, most things in life require compromise because it allows enough space to achieve a greater good.

For example, relationships and marriage will not survive in a healthy way without compromise. Buying a house, car, or even clothes requires compromise if we are to be diligent with money. Making concessions for the greater good is not a bad thing.

On the other hand, compromise can be devastating when we cop-out, turn a blind eye or purposefully choose to ignore a solid conviction we know is from the Lord. This will always cost us more than we are willing to pay because it robs us of our peace, and weakens our witness.

Often, it shows up as unassuming as a whisper; challenging us to go with the mainstream. Other times, it roars like a lion and causes the ground beneath us to shift if we dare draw the proverbial line in the sand.

So what is the enticement for compromising our God-given convictions? For Samson it was pleasure. Perhaps David’s draw was passion and power. For Sarah and Abraham, it was immediacy. For Lot’s wife, it was looking back; a dangerous desire for the past. How about comfort? Control? Identity?

Consequently, when we ignore our convictions we take the path of least resistance by compromising our beliefs, and in turn, our character. Most often, it is an effort to placate others or to avoid the unpleasant experience of rejection. In doing so, we elevate ourselves above God. We put ourselves in the driver’s seat and take control regardless of the cost. If we do this long enough, we become desensitized to His voice and suffer in the silence.

One thing is certain, in this life of disappointments and trials it is our natural inclination to wrestle with our convictions.  We might even be tempted to shake our fists at God for those things that test us. However, this attitude of entitlement is defeating. It poses the plight of divided affections. Matthew 6:24 tells us very clearly we can’t serve two masters. This is where conviction calls us to lean into one and deny the other. In essence, we are to take a stand, draw a line, and choose our allegiance.

My hope for you is that when you look in the mirror at the end of each day, you will remember who you were created to be, and whom you were intended to serve. Don’t let compromise determine the ending of your story. Draw a line in the sand and watch God write a beautiful narrative of your life that honors His deep and pervasive convictions.

Reflect and Respond:

What is your deepest conviction? Where is God trying to get your attention? Do you have a specific area of challenge that is causing you anxiety? And do you find that this is the place you tend to compromise the most?

If so, the best approach is to start with the end in mind. Take some time this week to ask what conviction God is calling you to champion. Picture the rewards associated with obedience in this area, and let them fill your heart with hope, and your mind with purpose. Then take a deep breath of courage and draw your line.

Hugs for a great week and remember, you are not alone. Be blessed as you draw a beautiful line in the sand.


Matthew 6:24; “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.