Jeremiah 17:10

I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings


Lord God, thank you for being the ultimate engineer of wellness. Wire me for worship, ground me in your Word, and teach me to hear and heed your voice of discernment.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Additional Devotions

This week we are clearing the clutter of our demoed walls, standing strong on our fixed foundations, and taking a deep dive into the power hub of the home—the wiring.

I must confess I know nothing about the actual wiring of a home, so I went where all good researchers go and ‘Googled’ it. Although I learned more than I bargained for, the basics will serve us well for this series on Life Rehab as a metaphor for how we are mentally wired, the need for grounding, and where we have faulty circuits.

Most homes have some form of wiring that runs through the floors, ceilings and wall boards. These cables are conduits of power. They transmit energy to produce a given reaction. Lights illuminate. Cooling systems regulate temperature. Televisions provide entertainment. And they all need power to do so.

The electrical system of a house is similar in function to the nervous system running through our human body which is designed to produce and regulate power as well. For our intents and purposes, we will be focusing on the internal wiring system of our mind—the power center for our thoughts, attitudes, intentions, and motivations.

In 1 Corinthians 6:19, God draws a parallel of our bodies being a temple that houses the Holy Spirit. With this as our architectural construct, we have a responsibility to honor the space in which He dwells. This requires our internal wiring system to meet code in that we are wired for worship, grounded in the Word, and engineered for discernment.

First, a healthy mind requires us to be wired for worship.

With our mind being the central hub of impulse and activity, we must be aware of our thoughts. They reveal the condition of our soul by our attitudes, intentions, and motivations. On one hand, they can make vital connections and illuminate our lives in positive ways, or they can short circuit and cause an inordinate amount of damage to ourself and others.

Second Timothy 1:7 says, “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind!” Although this is a beloved scripture, we don’t always know how to tap into this positive space when we are so overloaded with nagging and negative thoughts.

I believe the answer resides in our commitment to take our run-a-way thoughts captive by humbling ourselves in worship and demolishing arguments and pretensions that set themselves up against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5).

But what does worship have to do with taking thoughts captive, you may ask? Worship, by Hebrew definition, is a demonstration of posturing oneself in humble submission to God. For example, when we challenge our thoughts and place them under the authority of God, we are engaging in spiritual warfare. A bending of the mental will, in this case, is an act of worship.

Consequently, not only is worship a weapon for warfare, but it results in power, purpose, and peace.

A second principle intrinsic to our mental health is being grounded.

Just as every electrical system must be grounded as a basic rule of safety, we too must be. We need to be grounded in the Word because it produces peace—Isaiah 26:3; “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”

If we are not careful to be grounded in the Word, our systems will get overwhelmed with outside input and create a hazardous situation of excessive burden. When this happens, random and rogue thoughts will take us down rabbit holes where impulse and poor decisions dismantle our peace. 

The apostle Paul said, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).

With these admonitions in mind, as we learn to ground our thoughts in the Word of God, and stay our mind on Him, peace will be our refuge.

Lastly, we must be engineered for discernment.

In the same manner, as a circuit breaker is an essential safety component designed to protect from harm, we also have a built-in safety switch by way of the Holy Spirit. He shuts us down long enough to deliver discernment in a situation where danger is detected. This allows us to readjust our compass and get on the right path.

Even so, deciphering discernment is a tall order given the culture we live in. With so many sources of input competing for airtime, our mind is all too often a hotbed of emotions.

In those moments, when your fuses start to blow, and your breakers trip to a halt, tip your spiritual ears to listen for that still, small voice of discernment. He wants to ground you, and give you power to do His will—Philippians 2:13; “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”

Reflect and Respond:

This week take some time to capture and test your thoughts. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is my posture of worship regarding this thought—self or God?
  2. Is this thought grounded in the Word—is there a scripture I can use to reveal a more accurate truth?
  3. Do I hear the voice of discernment—what is He saying and will I heed His instruction?

Hugs for a great week and remember, you are not alone. Be blessed in knowing you no longer need to be a safety hazard because God is rewiring you for wellness.