Psalm 143:6

 I stretch out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.


Lord God, prepare my heart for change. Show me the one area, habit, or mindset that needs to be laid out before you in submission. And give me the courage to let your power work through me for lasting transformation.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Additional Devotions

Stuck in the craving—compulsion—cycle? Do you struggle with giving in to your cravings as a matter of habit? Does compulsion run your life in a certain area? Does it influence your decisions? Affect your peace? Interrupt your sanity?  Do you cycle through the hope of positive change one moment, only to fall hard into regression the very next?

If any of this resonates, it might be time to do something about it.

The beginning of a new year is often the time we set our sights on becoming our best selves. We create goals, clean up our diets, make promises to quit bad habits. But why do we so often fall short? Give up before we make a dent with our best efforts? Because it’s hard to change, that’s why! It’s flat-out hard to change habits, mindsets, and ingrained patterns of behavior.

Since Adam and Eve walked the Garden of Eden, freewill has been our beast of burden. While it is a gift from God, it carries with it a great responsibility. Our choices hold power. A lot of power. And each choice we make yields life or death in some form or fashion—spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

Physical craving is universal. We are wired for craving. We have a need, and we look to fill it. Even so, it is the emotional and spiritual cravings that so often lead us down some dark and dusty paths. They manifest in all sorts of ways.

As a general rule, this type of craving is rooted in a lack of something deep within our soul. We’ve been hurt or neglected; broken or bruised. And these offenses create a void. A breach or fracture inside us that compels us to fill it, fix it, satisfy it in some way.

All too often when our craving is out of control it gives birth to compulsive behaviors that often lead to consequences. Some more detrimental than others. And some more visible than others.

Perhaps you struggle with a food issue that is rooted in shame? Shopping indulgences rooted in the fear of not enough? Or maybe relationships are your downfall with poor dating habits that are rooted in loneliness? Whatever your struggle, God wants to satisfy your craving by filling the voids, mending the broken places, and meeting all your needs.

Our verse paints a picture of coming to the end of ourselves with outstretched hands that have let go of that which has been holding us hostage. In doing so, we are finally free to receive the divine blessing God wants to give—freedom, fulfillment, satisfaction.

Wherever you find yourself on the spectrum of habits, compulsions, or addictions, you are in the right place for change. Although change is hard, harder than we sometimes think, it is possible. But it takes awareness, active faith, and a desire to endure the feeling of being uncomfortable long enough to experience the freedom waiting on the other side of the craving.

Our approach to winning the battle of craving and compulsion is based on the premise that God is our source of satisfaction. And it is His power in us that conquers the craving in any given temptation. We may feel powerless to control ourselves when it comes to our cravings. But that is just not true. It is about harnessing the power God gives us to make better choices.

Over the next few weeks of January, we will target areas of action that will aid the process of overcoming the stronghold that has tied you up in knots. It’s probably something you’ve struggled with a while. Something that taunts you in the waking hours of the day and haunts you at night. Whatever your vice, your kryptonite, your burden to bear, it’s time to identify it and deal with it. Are you with me?

My goal here is to empower you when you feel powerless by pointing you to the power source!! Christians, by definition, have access to the power of the living God. His spirit, in us, gives us the power to do that which we feel we cannot. According to Philippians 4:13, we can do all things through him who strengthens us. Not only that but God is working in us, giving us the desire and the power to do what pleases him (Philippians 2:13).

Keep in mind; it’s not about perfection. It’s about connection. Connect to the power source to do that which you cannot do on your own. It starts with one good choice. And then another. And before long, new habits are formed. And that my friend, is life, health, and freedom. All of this is waiting for you…just beyond the craving.

Reflect and Respond:

This week, pray for the one thing God wants you to change. One thing you would like to focus on this year. That’s right—just one! Although like me, you probably have more than one, it’s important to keep it simple. So one is enough.

Whether it’s a habit, a mindset, or a compulsion, identify it and seek discernment to name it, the courage to face it, and ask for His power to change it.

Hugs for a great week and remember, you are not alone. Be blessed as you let go and let God empower you for real and lasting change.