2 Corinthians 10:5

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.


Lord, I don’t want to be bogged down in emotional and relational clutter anymore. I want my actions to reflect a healthy mind, rooted in what I believe about who you are and who you have created and called me to be.

Teach me this week how to start the transformation, and give me the wisdom of your truth. Let it take root and change me from the inside, out.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Additional Devotions

How did week one of Clear the Clutter go? Were you able to target an area of PHYSICAL wellness that needed cleaning up? And more importantly, were you able to identify some roadblocks that continually keep you from success in that particular area?

I sure hope so. But even if your movement was small, I trust God is working in you. For  single-moms, even baby steps can feel overwhelming, so please give yourself some credit. I sure do, and I applaud every effort you were able to make—Bravo!!

This week we will tackle EMOTIONAL/RELATIONAL clutter. Ughhh. Uncomfortable, right? Our emotional clutter is hidden deep in the recesses of our heart and mind. It often resembles a complicated spider web of toxic thoughts and feelings. We fool ourselves in thinking nobody can see it. But the reality is that this unseen clutter often colors how we react to people, situations, and life in general.

When we think of emotional/relational clutter, we must consider the following: toxic relationships, addictions, overbearing worries and fears, unforgiveness, regrets, anger, envy, repetitive negative thoughts, insults, hurt feelings and grudges.

It all starts with our thoughts and how we interpret them. Our thoughts often reveal what we believe to be true about ourselves, others, and God. One toxic thought often compounds another and then before long, we are drowning in a sea of negativity. The end result—ineffectiveness. Ineffective in living a balanced life. Ineffective in your walk with God. Ineffective in parenting with integrity. Ineffective in building and maintaining healthy relationships.

Given that our thoughts typically produce our actions, we must change the way we think and the things we think about in order to live a healthy, balanced life. To do this, I want you to take a few moments and get still and quiet. Let your mind run free with thoughts. What are the ones that immediately surface and take over? Worry? Fear? Insecurities? Anger?

Our scripture this week teaches us how to begin the decluttering process of our mind. We are to take our thoughts captive. Again, this process will take some effort and some awareness on our part.

For most of us, the way we think and process our thoughts is automatic. So our first step is to be conscious of our thoughts, especially those that are harmful and negative. As soon as it pops its ugly head up in your mind, grab it— literally grab it out of the air.

Once you have it, and have identified it for what it is, ask God to give you a replacement thought, one that is rooted in his truth. The only way to experience victory over your thought life is to replace the lie—or what you are believing about the thought—with the truth of God.

To do this, we need to know truth. The bible is our treasure chest of truth. Every truth we will ever need to demolish every argument and every pretension in our mind, is found there. Don’t worry if you do not have a thorough knowledge of the scriptures, God will give you wisdom if you ask him for it, so just ask!

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be controlled by negative thoughts and emotions. I want the truth of God to reign and rule in my heart and my mind so I can be the best version of myself, and honor God with who he has called me to be.

Our goal in clearing the emotional clutter must start here: taking our thoughts captive. It gets easier over time, but if you can start by being conscious and intentional in your efforts to replace a negative thought as soon as it presents itself, soon you will experience victory over it.

Change is tough. It’s uncomfortable. However, transforming the way you think is necessary to clear the emotional clutter. Its imperative to shift your focus from feeding the negative thoughts to feeding the positive ones. The result—clearer, freer, and a more focused life.

Reflect and Respond:

What is one thought God is calling you to take captive to his truth in obedience to him?

Is it an area of unforgiveness that is keeping you stuck, and forgiving that person is the gift of freedom God wants to give you? Or is it a particular situation or person that incites a negative, knee-jerk reaction? How about recurring thoughts of shame? Anger? Envy? Insecurity?

Whatever it may be, focus on one persistent thought that needs cleaning up and really work it this week. You will be surprised at how many opportunities you will have to capture it and replace it with divine healing truth.

Remember, you are not alone. Be blessed this week and be transformed. Big Hug.

Join us for our annual Drive4Hope Fundraiser

September 12, 2024 6:00 pm