1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.


LORD, reveal yourself to me. Let me hear your voice and open my eyes to see what special treasure you have planted deep in my heart and how to serve you and those you love.

Help me to honor you, not out of performance or works, but in the attitude of submission to your great and perfect will.

In Jesus’ name, Amen..

Additional Devotions

Who loves a treasure hunt? I do! I do! Because you can’t see me, just know that both of my hands are raised in the air—yours might be too.

In a quest of discovery, we often put one anxious foot in front of the other in anticipation of the glorious unknown. Our hearts race and our hopes soar in wonder. And as we seek clues, knowledge pings through our mind setting our course toward the ultimate goal of finding our treasure.

In this life and the next, our ultimate treasure, our ultimate find, is Christ. That is our highest reward. But while we are here on earth, God has gifted us with certain things that are uniquely designed and timed just for us! Not only has God set eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11), but He has prepared good works for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).

What truly makes our human experience so cool is that God has equipped us to serve Him through specific gifts and talents. These gifts and talents are unique to us. Their purpose is to bring glory to Him by addressing the definitive needs of the world at large.

Everything we’ve experienced in this life has played a role in the birth and development of our God-given yearnings and desires. And these tailor-made desires are the one’s that tug at our heartstrings and inspire us to a higher level of both human and spiritual engagement.

Think about your unique life experience thus far. The environment you grew up in… The choices you made or the ones made for you… Relationships. Jobs. Hardships. God uses everyone and everything that has influenced you to play a part in the development of your special gift—the treasure He’s placed inside you.

The fun begins when we hear His still small voice calling through our cluttered lives inviting us to the treasure hunt. Our responsibility is to follow the clues, discover the gift, and use it for His glory.

It’s been said, “It’s not ability, but availability God can use.” That right there is freedom to my somewhat perfectionistic, wanna do it right, personality. This helps me remember that it’s not about performance but my willingness to be used.

It’s infinite what God can do with a willing person. Even in our imperfection, God uses us. With that in mind, look around you. What do you have to offer?

Some of us have the gift of artistic expression to display His glory through paintings, sculpture, theater, dance, singing and praising. Others of us have the honor of giving through resources, wisdom, writing, and our time. We have builders among us. Accountants. Counselors. Chefs. You name it, the army of Christians—called the Church—is well equipped for serving our great and mighty God and the people He loves.

Choosing daily to move in the direction of God’s call is our charge. The beauty of a life well lived lies in making hard choices today that will inevitably pave the way for blessings tomorrow.

So find that treasure He’s planted deep inside your heart, the one that makes your heart soar with hope for a better tomorrow. And perhaps, the one that drops you to your knees in submission to His greater plan. Often, it’s the one that brings tears to your eyes because you connect with Him on a collective level of grief.

Whatever it is, ask Him to give you new vision to see it more clearly than ever before. Ask Him to invite you into a glorious dance of destiny.

It’s time to open your treasure. It’s time to discover what it is and why God has given it to you. It’s a journey, and at times it’s a labor of love.

Go ahead, seek the treasure He’s hidden inside you! Open it and discover how to use it for His glory.

Reflect and Respond:

There are moments in this life that call us out of the mundane and into meaning. They may not all be as public as an Esther moment, or a Mary moment; a Rahab moment or even a Ruth moment. But we all have our meaningful moments when we know, without a doubt, God has orchestrated heaven to come down and invite us to the dance of destiny.

Will you accept His invitation to the treasure hunt?

Hugs for a great week and remember, you are not alone. Be blessed as you seek, find and activate the treasure He’s placed inside your sweet soul.