March On My Soul 

May, 15, 2017

Verse for the Week: “March on, my soul; be strong!” (Judges 5:21b)

Hope you all had a Happy Mother’s Day! I pray you were able to step away from the “mommy duties” long enough to feel loved, appreciated and grateful for those in your life.

I don’t know about you, but I sure could use a Mother’s Day once a month! It sure is nice to hear, “Thank you for all you do,” and “I love you, Mom!” Because to be honest, most days I don’t hear that. We are all running at Mach 10—rushing from one crazy moment to another. All too often I find myself in the mentality of just putting one foot in front of the other.

So in an effort to check off everything on our mommy to-do lists, we can easily get caught up in the invisibility of being a single-mom because sometimes, there is just no reward in sight. No pats on the back, no ‘atta girl’, no real acknowledgment. And sometimes it is really hard to keep on going.

Can you relate? Do you feel invisible? Do you feel like nobody notices or cares how hard you are working? One thing is for certain, even though you may think nobody knows the extent of your sacrifice, God sees your efforts.

Let me say that again… God sees you! Yes, God sees you my sweet, and hard working mom. And He also sees your efforts.

When you feel like you have nothing left to give…don’t give up! Don’t give in. There’s no denying that you are in a tough season—lots of hard work with little reward. But keep in mind, you are not alone in this battle.

And if negativity creeps up, don’t let it. He has marching orders for you, my friend. And they are leading you heavenward. March on, my soul; be strong! (Judges 5:21b)

To all the amazing mother’s out there who tirelessly work for the good of their family—Happy Mother’ Day!! You beautiful and strong and you are doing a great job!


Oh Lord, make me strong. Help me to trust that you are taking me in the right direction and give me the courage I need to do the hard work to get there. When the busyness of life threatens to take me under, help me to remember your Word, and your promises. Help me to lead my family as we march onward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Reflect and Respond:

This week, pick one situation that feels out of control and is requiring more of your energy, resources, and time than you feel you can give. Then, give it to God. Invite Him into the situation and surrender your power for His.

Then… this is the biggie… give yourself some credit for ALL you do! You are a good mom and doing an amazing job. BRAVO!!! God has good plans for you and your children. Trust Him this week by leaning into His strength. He will not let you fall!!

Feel free to post any thoughts on the topic. We would love to hear from you.

Remember, you are not alone. Have a blessed week,


*Updated and reprinted from August 17, 2015