Proverbs 13:20

Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.


Oh Lord, you are so good. You are so faithful. And you are so very wise. I need you and I need faith-filled people in my life.

Open my eyes to see how you are working in me and in my relationships. Help me to walk in wisdom, and teach me how to surround myself with others who do the same.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Additional Devotions

Wise words—no doubt about it! But are they true for you?

This proverb declares that we are severely influenced by who we walk with in this life. Our choices—to be wise, or to be a fool. Hmmmm…that’s a pretty thick line in the sand.

I’m sure we all want to walk with the wise, but are we?

In life, we have all kinds of relationships that meet all kinds of needs, but I’d like to focus on the relationships that share a common “faith factor”.

What do I mean by this? It’s those people who share our faith and who literally walk with us through life. It’s ups. It’s downs. And all the crazy in between.

These special people are the faith walkers in our lives.

Are they perfect people? No way.

Will they disappoint us at times, possibly even hurt us? Probably.

But at the core, they are good people who truly love God, and they live their lives from that place of authenticity. They encourage us when we are down, pray us through trials, even challenge us when we get off track.

Some might pop in and out of our lives, others are in the trenches with us day in and day out.

Regardless of how much time we spend together, we desperately need faith-filled people in our lives. Especially when life is hard and the journey is tough.

After all, life is not just about the final destination, right? It’s about enjoying the process, learning valuable lessons along the way, and becoming better for it. Wouldn’t it be way more fun to have at least one, if not a few relationships that are genuine, and authentic, and faith-filled?

When it comes down to it, our momentum in life—personally, emotionally, and spiritually—is highly influenced by those we surround ourselves with.

Take a moment to think about your sphere of influence. Who is in your inner-circle of family and close friends? Who are your faith walkers?

If you have one or even a few, you are truly blessed. Tell them how valuable they are. Pray for them in their own walk. Set aside time—quality time—to spend connecting and investing in each other. I promise you this is time well spent.

For those of you who are struggling to identify anyone closely resembling a faith-walker in your life—pray, and ask God to bring someone into your path. If it takes longer than you think or want, don’t give up. Keep praying and watching. Faith walkers are a gift and He wants to bless you (and them).

It’s time, sweet friend, to align yourself with wisdom and a good place to start is by surrounding yourself with wise people. Make it a priority to seek them out. I trust that God will provide opportunities and the right relationships if you keep your eyes on Him, your focus on Him, and your feet walking in the right direction.

Reflect and Respond:

Take time this week to lift your heart up to God and ask Him for this precious gift of faith walkers. Bless those already in your life, and pray for those yet to come.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. MomsHope has built-in faith walkers for you to do life with.

Be blessed this week as we walk together in faith.