Joshua 24:15b

…As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.


Heavenly father, as we celebrate the ultimate gift of Jesus, help me to give the gifts of good seed for myself, my family and all those that follow.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

Additional Devotions

This scripture is very popular. It is quoted on signs that hang in our hallways, within the lessons of our bible studies, and preached with vigor from the pulpit. It’s not only a good rule to live by but it is paramount to heaven’s economy.

Within this pledge of loyalty is a hidden gem. Once we dig down below the surface of this particular scripture we need to ask ourselves these questions—“What legacy am I leaving for those who come after me? What am I leaving as an inheritance?”

We are not talking the currency of dollars and cents. We are talking the currency of heaven!

And what is the currency of heaven?

Beyond the obvious, salvation being the ultimate and forever gift of legacy and inheritance—one we have no part in giving—there is a type of spiritual currency we can deposit and that is what is produced by the seeds we plant here on earth.

Seeds of goodness, faithfulness, wisdom, forgiveness, and self-control among many others.

Since our choices reflect our beliefs, the power of legacy lies in what our choices produce. Each choice produces a seed. And the potential inside a single seed is exponential. It could be something positive or something negative.

We pray for our children and their children—seed planted

We forgive a wrong—seed planted.

We break a bad habit—seed planted.

Or the opposite effect:

We say a harsh word, one intended to cause harm—seed planted.

The eternal benefits of a life that is producing the good things of God not only benefits us and those close to us but also benefits those that come after us. This principle is powerful. It is synergistic. It is eternal.

In God’s great economy, seedtime and harvest are kingdom principles. Naturally, seeds react to their environments. In good soil, they flourish. In poor soil, they flounder.

What soil are you cultivating for your family? Is it rich with love? Wisdom? Forgiveness? Kindness? Self-control? Faithfulness?

Or is it unbalanced with anger, harsh words, inattentiveness?

As we are well aware, single parenting is tough from the get-go! We have a bit of an uphill climb as we try and do the job of two parents and tackle all the craziness that comes along with it.

The challenge is real and we are wise to remember that it’s not about being perfect all the time. However, being conscientious and persistent about making more good choices than hurtful ones will produce a handful of good seed.

When we do so we have the power to produce a rich harvest where the return on investment goes straight into the spiritual bank for our lives and all those that follow and that is an amazing gift.

Let us also remember that we have a responsibility. A responsibility and a great honor to plant seeds that will leave a positive and lasting legacy to all those who come after us. And that is a gift only the currency of heaven can buy.

Reflect and Respond:

Hugs for a great week and remember, you are not alone. Be blessed as you make eternal deposits of good seed.